Nine (2009) DvdScr Miresevini031rwvj7
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Nine (2009) DvdScr Miresevini031rwvj7
Pershendetje antar te nderuar,Qe te keni perparsi ne qdo forum Duhet qe te jeni te regjistruar.

Neqoft se jeni te regjistruar Ju lutem kyquni forum.
Me Respekt Stafi: Albveraa
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Nine (2009) DvdScr

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new Nine (2009) DvdScr

Mesazh nga Dg Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:39 am

Nine (2009) DvdScr 6fs8ps

Arrogant, self-centered movie director Guido Contini finds himself struggling to find meaning, purpose, and a script for his latest film endeavor. With only a week left before shooting begins, he desperately searches for answers and inspiration from his wife, his mistress, his muse, and his mother. As his chaotic profession steadily destroys his personal life, Guido must find a balance between creating art and succumbing to its obsessive demands

Liku eshet hide per te par likun duhet te postosh si psh FLm?

Nine (2009) DvdScr 373996


Gjinia Gjinia : Male
Postimet Postimet : 1326
Sa Vjeqar'e Sa Vjeqar'e : 38
Regjistrim Regjistrim : 09/02/2009
Vendbanimi Vendbanimi : Repulika kosoves
Humori Humori : Xhixha Buba
Hobi Hobi : Gjithcka Qka ta mer mendja ty
Horoskopi : Pisces

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