Dolan's Cadillac (2009) DVDRip Miresevini031rwvj7
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Dolan's Cadillac (2009) DVDRip Miresevini031rwvj7
Pershendetje antar te nderuar,Qe te keni perparsi ne qdo forum Duhet qe te jeni te regjistruar.

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Me Respekt Stafi: Albveraa
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Dolan's Cadillac (2009) DVDRip

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new Dolan's Cadillac (2009) DVDRip

Mesazh nga Dg Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:28 am

Dolan's Cadillac (2009) DVDRip 8b7XsW1guG

A dark revenge tale about Las Vegas middle school science teacher (Robinson) whose beloved wife (Elizabeth) witnesses an execution in the desert and is then targeted for death by the mobster who committed it, notorious Vegas crime lord Jimmy Dolan. Dolan's vast wealth stems from his human trafficking operations. Dolan succeeds in having Elizabeth killed before she can testify against him. Without a witness to the murders, Dolan goes free, and Robinson must avenge Elizabeth's death on his own..

Liku eshet hide per par likun duhet te postosh si psh Flm?

Dolan's Cadillac (2009) DVDRip 373996


Gjinia Gjinia : Male
Postimet Postimet : 1326
Sa Vjeqar'e Sa Vjeqar'e : 38
Regjistrim Regjistrim : 09/02/2009
Vendbanimi Vendbanimi : Repulika kosoves
Humori Humori : Xhixha Buba
Hobi Hobi : Gjithcka Qka ta mer mendja ty
Horoskopi : Pisces

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